Forging a Bronze Dagger - David Delagardelle - AWE Me Artists Series

Forging a Bronze Dagger - David Delagardelle - AWE Me Artists SeriesArtist David DelaGardelle shares his artwork and forging magic in this episode.
Special thanks to Coal Iron Works
Featured Artist - David DelaGardelle of Cedarlore Forge
Coal Iron Works forging press
Episode Music by Andrew Word
Your Love - Instrumental
License #: 1369588478
Awe Me Channel
Producer - Kerry Stagmer
Baltimore Knife and Sword
Awe Me episode video editor - Mahendra Khera
Awe Me Artists Theme music - Andrei Shulgach -
Location filming/edit - David DelaGardelle
#bronze #bladesmith #forging #blacksmith #howtomake

man at arms,man at arms reforged,men at arms